Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New gadgets added

I added a flickr photostream to my blog, and I will be adding more photos. I hope you enjoy looking at my gardens from 2009, can't wait to begin 2010 and post them! I will be adding holiday creations and the artist group I joined, Artist Class Garden Party which is posted in the side bar if you want to take a look. Registrations are still open. They have a wide variety of projects that keep you busy, it truly is wonderful to belong to this group, you certainly get ALOT of information, new projects, mini projects, never a dull moment. The women that created these projects are absolutely wonderful, they did such a tremendous amount of work to provide all of us with the tools and directions and information for making these. I give them alot of credit, they worked very hard to produce these projects. And Mary, from Green Paper, coordinates it all, posts everything, provides more useful information, images to copy, keeps us on track, and always answers our emails very, she is wonder woman and must never sit down a minute!! I am having so much fun making these projects. I have made two so far, I just need to take some photos and post them. I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely spring we are having. Off now make another Artist Class project....
Hugs Catherine