Wow, I can't believe it has been 4 months since I posted. I am not very good at this am I! I am still working on getting better and remembering to take photos to post as well. So much has been going on since the last time I posted, a few important things are....My oldest son returned from Aghanistan on July 9 after a very long 1 year tour of duty. I can't tell you how happy we all are to have him home. He is a 1st Lieutenant in the Army reserves, he was in the Army for 7 years prior to that. He was welcomed home at the airport by his family with signs, flags, balloons and lots of hugs, kisses and tears of joy, as well as 3 television stations and a "welcome home from the war" group of about 5 volunteers who were also there to give him a plaque and have him sign a giant flag. It was so beautiful to see these volunteers that come to the airport on their own time to welcome our men and women home from the war just because they want to show their support for our beloved troops. It really meant alot to us.

Alex, his son in front of the sign hanging on the garage.
All of us at the airport waiting for him to arrive
Chris on right, his brother (my younger son) on left |
Flag of Honor that Chris signed |
I have been trying to get my new studio set up but is has been so unseasonably hot here that I haven't done too much, I am waiting for cooler weather...which I really hope comes soon!! I can't wait to get everything out there from my old studio (extra bedroom) and have everything in one place, right now half is still in the old and half in the new so I never know where things are and spend way too much time hunting things down. And I really don't like that, I am use to having everything organized and in one place so I can find things when I need them.
I have also been doing alot of gardening, adding new mulch and topsoil, replanting and giving away plants to my future daughter-in-law. But is has been too hot to work outside, so I am not doing as much as I would like. I also have my younger son helping us put a deck on the carriage house, on the side with my studio and helping me with some yardwork and painting too. And he brings his 7 year old with him, so I have been spending much more time with my grandson and it has been wonderful to have them both here.
As they matured they turned the pretty dark pink you see |
Statue in front of house |
In front of house by mailbox |
Hydrangea in the front right of the house
So I have been very, very busy. And I have been creating every evening from about 7 or 8 pm to about 11pm. I love it. I have been working on Halloween items, and I am also working on setting up an etsy account so I can sell some things. I will have Halloween items galore, as well as great paper crafting supplies, seam binding and inspiration packages, I have alot of vintage lace that will be included too. I have made so much already and am now working on the etsy side to get that set up. It is taking more time to set that up with the photos and verbage, way more time than what it took to make the products, and not nearly as much fun!! I am really hoping to get that opened in the next few weeks so stay tuned.
I hope you are enjoying your summer!